Snooze Alarm now has a whole load of new features.
1. You can now use Snooze Alarm with any 'Energy Saver' type control panel which automatically starts up your Mac at a preset time. When you check the 'Energy Saver' check box in Snooze Alarm, all it does is store your 'wake-up' time in a prefs file and prevents the dialog from appearing automatically the next time you launch the program.
You *MUST* place an alias of Snooze Alarm in your 'StartUp Items' folder so that Snooze Alarm will automatically launch when your Mac starts up. This way Snooze Alarm gets straight down to work instead of asking you for a wake-up time.
**Important note about using the Energy Saver**
Some shareware programs display messages when your Mac restarts. These messages will prevent Snooze Alarm from launching and waking you up! Examples of programs that do this are 'Aaron' and 'Dialog View'. To prevent these shareware messages, either consider registering the software or removing it from your system folder.
2. You can now choose from several different 'alarm' sounds in the preferences dialog.
3. You can now define whether Snooze Alarm automatically quits after the final alarm sound or whether it stays running in the background.
4. Registered users can now choose whether to have separate wake-up times for each day of the week. Also, the alarm can be disabled for certain days but enabled for others. For example, this is very useful if you want to get up for work early Mon - Fri, a bit later on Saturday and want a long sleep in on Sunday!!! With Snooze Alarm you can fully automate your alarm clock schedule to suit you needs instead of forgetting to set your alarm on Sunday night to get you up early on Monday (like I have done many times using a clock radio!).
5. I have now incorporated a screen saver into the program which can be enabled by pulling down the appropriate menu. The saver is disabled by clicking the mouse button. You can define small messages that are displayed when the alarm sounds whilst using the screen saver. These messages can be defined via the preferences dialog box.
**Snooze Alarm works very happily in the background with a miniscule amount of RAM. Therefore many people will be happy to have the program running constantly.